Global Wheels
Quick and efficient wheel coating process using patented hight temperature resistant rubber masks. A reduced number of rubber masks has been created in order to cover most of wheel sizes in the market, protect bolt holes and back hub from powder and ensure a smooth finishing at once.

Global Mask for wheel coatingGlobal wheels
Quick and efficient wheel coating process using patented hight temperature resistant rubber masks. A reduced number of rubber masks has been created in order to cover most of wheel sizes in the market, protect bolt holes and back hub from powder and ensure a smooth finishing at once.
Benefits Highlights
Quick and Efficient Coating Easy to apply, Hight temp. resistant, easy to remove: Easily apply masks on the very beginning of the process and keep them till the end. Avoid extra work, save time and money by getting the perfect finish at the once.
Perfect Finishings Perfect Covering of the bolt holes and back hub: Avoid frictions on assembly parts and extra works from potential customer complains. With Global Wheels your coating jobs wheel be safe.
Cost Saving Solution Few Masks for multiple wheel sizes: Cover a huge range of wheels in the market with a very reduced range of masks.
Reusable: Use them as much as you need and forget about inefficient disposal systems.